Sunday, September 04, 2016

Literary Arts Review publishes review of my book Shining from a Different Firmament!

Many thanks to the editors of The Literary Arts Review for their two-page book review of my chapbook Shining from a Different Firmament!!  They are among the few journals that review poetry chapbooks!  I was expecting a few paragraphs but they went far beyond that; their thoughtful, thorough review highlighted the most unique and relevant aspects of my book.

I read this debut issue from cover to cover with great enjoyment and interest; I especially liked the short story “Bach’s Last Composition: A Fantasy” by Lenny Cavallari and the article “From the Restorationists to the Romantics: Rochester and Byron” by Alexander Larman!  I am doubly glad for my book to be mentioned in this magazine because it appeals to readers like me--with literary interests and intellectual curiosity.  Cavallari's story reminded me of what I liked about Jorge Luis Borges' short fiction.  Larman's article made me want to read all his books!